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Meet Me In Alaska (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) Page 2
Meet Me In Alaska (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) Read online
Page 2
“Like I got stomped on in a mosh pit for a few hours. Holy hell my head hurts. How do I look?”
“Like hell. Your eye and that ankle are both very swollen. I brought some crutches from the office for you to use when you feel up to it. I’ll let you take a look at it, and if you think it needs an x-ray, I’ll get you to Fairbanks.”
I tried to sit up, and this time I was able to pull myself into a sitting position. I surveyed the damage to my ankle, and it just looked bruised and swollen. I could move it, so I knew it wasn’t broken. My head hurt still, but I wasn’t seeing stars anymore. My stomach growled, and I caught a whiff of something delicious.
“What is that heavenly smell?”
“I made you some chicken soup. I was just about to bring you a bowl.”
“You’re a lifesaver! Thank God for you. I’m starving.”
“Well, someone needs to take care of you, Malia. I know you are dead set on being independent, but sometimes you need to have someone you can rely on.” She set a bowl of warm chicken soup in front of me on a tray. There was also a fresh bottle of water, crackers, and a peeled orange.
“I know. I just haven’t had anyone in a very long time. The last time I let someone in it did not end very well. I don’t want to get too comfortable only to be left when I need someone the most. I’ve gotten very good at taking care of myself.”
“Well, friends are different than men. You don’t have to worry about me letting you down anytime soon. You are important to me! Now get some of that food in you before I’m forced to feed it to you!”
I did as I was told with a small smile on my face. It was good to have a friend and coworker like her. I knew she was someone I could trust 100%, and after the year I just had, it meant more than anything.
“This is delicious, Jenna. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Sorry it’s not that hot piece of man meat Eric Langdon here serving it to you with no shirt on. You sure picked the right guy to dart out in front of. I wouldn’t mind having him carry me around for a while.”
“It’s not as great as you think. It’s actually mortifying! I’m supposed to be the town’s reliable, responsible doctor, and simple daydream sends me out into the street without a glance. Eric probably thinks I’m the biggest idiot.”
“I highly doubt it. When he brought you in, I had to force him to stay in the waiting room. He was a little more worried than your average concerned citizen.”
“That’s because he was probably concerned about a lawsuit. I’m very grateful to him for getting me help and for bringing me home, but I’m sure it will all end there. I will see him when he comes in with his father, and we will exchange pleasant words, and that will be it. No use getting myself all flustered over a man I have nothing in common with.”
“Easy, city girl. Just because you’re not from the country doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give a country boy a try. Of course, Eric might be a hard one to crack. He’s got a lot going on in his life.” This piqued my interest.
“I know his father has been ill for a while, but Eric always seems to have a smile on his face. What else is going on?”
“Well, ever since his father had that heart attack and fell of a horse, Eric has had to take on all of the major responsibilities of the ranch. His mother died when him and his brothers were young in a car accident, and his father was all they had. When tough times hit, they had to downsize the ranch, and it has been a struggle ever since. His brothers John and Devon both joined the Army and barely every come back. Now the future of that ranch is on the conscience of that sweet man. I have no idea how he manages it all.”
“Wow, I had no idea. I just figured he was like everyone else around here.”
“Just proves that everyone has some kind of struggle that they’re hiding from the rest of the world. Doesn’t help that he had his heart broken either.”
“What? Recently?”
“About a year or so ago. Melissa was his high school sweetheart, but when she realized that he wanted to stay here and his whole life and take over the ranch, she decided to up and leave him for a guy she met on the Internet. She lives in New York, and from what I hear, she’s already engaged and living the high life. I never was a fan of her, even in high school. Eric deserves better, but it’s going to take a lot to get him to open his heart again.”
“I know the feeling.” I felt an extra hard tug at my heart strings when I thought about how crushed Eric must have been. You think you know what your future holds, and all it takes is one moment to shatter every dream you’ve ever had. The familiar ache settled into my heart, and I suddenly felt like sleeping again.
Jenna helped me to the bathroom before she left and made sure I was settled before heading home. I tried to go back to sleep, but my brain wouldn’t shut off. I flipped through the channels and finally settled on some reruns of “The Game” . The dating life of all the sisters on that show distracted me and made me feel a little bit better about my own nonexistent love life.
Once the pain in my head came back to the point where I could barely see, I took another pain pill. The last thing I remembered was a fight on the show before falling back into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Chapter 4
The sound of my doorbell ringing woke me up. I could only open one eye because the other one must have been swollen shut. I sat up as fast as my body would allow and looked around for my crutches. I could see from the clock on the cable box that it was only 7:00 am. As I was still struggling to get to my feet, I heard the front door open.
“Hello? Doc? You decent?” His voice was the last one I expected to hear. Panic started to set in as I realized that I was still my sweaty jogging clothes from the day before. I knew my hair was a mess. I hadn’t washed my face or brushed my teeth. But I had no choice but to face him.
“I’m still here where you left me. Come on in, Eric.” He walked through the door looking even better than the day before. I smelled him before I could see him, and it smelled like a mix of soap and sweat, but in a good way. He wore a blue and black flannel shirt, jeans that fit perfectly in all the right places, and a pair of well-worn black cowboy boots. He had what I guessed to be about a two-day-old stubble, and his head was covered in a black hat that he immediately took off when he entered the room.
“Well, aren’t you a sight this morning. I’m glad to see you sitting up. You wear the just-got-grazed-by-a-big-truck look well. How ya feeling this morning?”
“I’m pretty sore, but I think I should be able to at least get up and about on my own today. What brings you by at this fine hour?”
“I’m sorry about that. I just finished my first round at the ranch and figured I should come check in on you. I worried about you all night long and was half-tempted to come over here last night until Jenna sent me a text telling me you were all set.” I saw a slight blush come to his cheeks when he said I was on his mind all night. I felt that familiar pull again despite my appearance and my wish to push all feelings aside.
“Don’t be sorry. I appreciate the gesture. I’m sorry for my unattractive appearance. I desperately need a shower.” I reached for the crutches and positioned them in front of me. I put my hands on the grips, steadied my good foot, and pushed with everything I had. I wanted to shout with joy when I was finally standing on my own. I started to move forward very slowly, and I was doing well until I caught the crutch on one of the legs of the coffee table. I felt myself start to fall and tried in vain to stop it.
Before I even got close to the floor, Eric was in front of me, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me close. Suddenly, I was pressed to his broad chest. The crutches were on the floor on either side of me, and my hands went around him instinctively. I could feel the hard muscle underneath his shirt. His heart beat quickly in his chest, and his breathing quickened.
I made the mistake of looking up into his eyes. The light green and yellow cast a spell over me, and I expected him to look away, but he didn’t. We stood there like that for what seemed like an hour, b
ut it was probably less than 10 seconds. I felt goose bumps form on my entire body as he met me gaze, and I was in unfamiliar territory. My attraction to this man that I barely knew was setting my mind and body on fire, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
His voice came out in almost a whisper.
“Easy there, Doc. I guess you still need a little more help. Let me get you where you need to go. You don’t have to be so stubborn and brave. I won’t judge you for showing weakness.” It took me a moment to form a coherent thought.
“I’m just so used to doing everything on my own. It’s been a long time since anyone was around to catch me when I fall. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to be that guy.”
I was surprised when his large, calloused hand reached up and brushed against my cheek.
“Maybe I want to be that guy, Doc. I’m not very good at this stuff, but the thought of you here all alone and hurt was almost too much for me last night. I’ve been admiring you from afar ever since you came here. You’re the strongest, kindest, and most beautiful woman in this town. I might be making a fool of myself here, but I needed to tell you all of this.”
“Wow, Eric. I had no idea. I already knew you were a good man, but after all that you’ve done for me since yesterday, I feel the same way. Any woman would be lucky to have you on her side. Especially if you still want to help me after seeing me looking like this.”
“You look beautiful. Cut, black eye, and all. Now tell me what we need to do. Where were you headed with those crutches?”
“I was headed to the bathroom. I really need a shower.” I think we both blushed at that thought, especially since we still barely knew each other.
“Well, I can at least get you there. Then I can stand outside the door, and if you need me, we’ll find a way to cover you up so I can help. I promise to be a gentleman, Doc.”
“Okay, but I’m still embarrassed. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.”
“Honestly, there’s no place I’d rather be. You are a welcome break from the drama of the ranch.”
I accepted that as a good enough answer, and before I could try to get back on my crutches, Eric put his arms around the backs of my legs and lifted me with very little effort. He found the bathroom and set me gently on the kitchen sink before asking me to help him find everything I needed for the shower. When it seemed like I was all set, he turned the water on and placed my towel and washcloth where I could easily access them.
“I’ll be right outside the door. Just holler if you need me.” He gave me one of his dazzling smiles before slipping out and closing the door gently behind him.
I undressed slowly, trying not to touch my face. I could already see from the mirror just how bad I looked, and it made me cringe to think that I was finally in the arms of a gorgeous man, and I looked like this. When I was finally naked, I stumbled to the shower and felt the hot water embrace my tired and sore skin. I took my time washing my hair and did the best I could with reaching the rest of my body. When I felt clean again, I shut the water off, dried off, and wrapped myself in the oversize, navy blue towel that Eric brought me. It wasn’t until I had applied lotion and deodorant that I realized I had no clothes with me.
“Um, Eric? You can come in.” He opened the door immediately, and I stood there in nothing but my towel.
“You all set?”
“Yeah, but I’m afraid I forgot to get clothes. I need to get to my bedroom.” I saw his jaw flex a little bit at the mention of my bedroom.
“Sure, Doc. Just make sure that towel is wrapped around you nice and tight.” I held it closed around me as he picked me up once again. He brought me across the hall to my room and set me on my bed. He hesitated for a moment, looking like he was unsure what to do next.
“I think I’m going to need you to get clothes for me since I don’t have my crutches.”
“No problem. Just tell me what you need.” I pointed out the drawers where my jeans and t-shirts were and told him which ones to pick. Then he got me some socks. When I couldn’t avoid it anymore, I pointed to my underwear drawer.
“Just pick any underwear and bra from that drawer.” My whole body felt like it was burning as I watched him open up the drawer and look inside. I wished I could just jump up and push him to the side, but I knew that was impossible. I could just imagine what he must be thinking.
He reached in and pulled out a pair of plain black boy shorts and a black t-shirt bra. Simple and sexy were the first thoughts that came to my mind. He handed them to me as if they were on fire and immediately turned away.
I had to giggle a little bit to myself, watching this grown man get flustered over my underwear drawer. As my giggles faded, a new feeling replaced them. Desire betrayed me and began to spread over my body. I slid into the underwear and bra as quickly as I could on my bum ankle.
“You can turn around now, Eric.” I don’t know what made me stand there and tell him to look when I was still in my underwear, but he did, and he was obviously taken aback.
“Shit, Doc, I thought you were dressed! I’m so sorry!” He immediately turned back around, waiting for me to cover up.
“I’m not sorry, Eric. I’m not shy. You can turn back around.”
He turned slowly in my direction, still looking down at the hardwood floor of my bedroom. I started to hop closer to him, wanting to close the distance that felt far too vast. Of course, it was impossible for me to be graceful and sexy, so I stumbled halfway across, and ended up falling right back into his arms. He had no choice but to touch the bare skin of my back.
“Doc, I- I don’t think I should be taking advantage of you like this. Not in this state. You’re too vulnerable. I don’t want to be that guy. I want to take you out on a proper date and walk you to your door.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you didn’t like me like this. I shouldn’t have done this. I’m such a fool.”
I tried to get away from him, hanging my head and trying not to cry. I finally let my guard down after all this time, and he wasn’t interested in touching me.
“Doc, wait. Please don’t be upset. If you think I’m saying this because I don’t want you, you’re wrong. It is taking every ounce of willpower I have not to pick you up, lay you down on that bed, and kiss every inch of you. If you get much closer, you’ll know I’m telling the truth. I just want to know you more first. I guess I’m old-fashioned. I don’t want you think I’m a love em and leave em kind of guy.”
Hearing that raised my spirits a little bit. Not only was he hot as hell, he was also sweet and respectful.
“I also don’t want to jump right into anything. I’ve had my walls up for a while, and I don’t know if I’m ready to let them down.”
“I feel your pain. I really do. Something just came over me. I can’t fight the overwhelming feelings I get when I’m around you. I never even had that reaction to my ex.”
Something changed in his expression when I said that. He softened a bit, and I knew before his lips touched mine that he was going to kiss me. The instant our lips met it was as if every kiss before this one meant nothing. My lips moved against his naturally and without hesitation. I was surprised when his tongue pressed against my lips, asking for entry, but I opened my mouth willingly. He tasted like coffee and mint, and he knew how to kiss me with just the right amount of force.
It probably should have hurt because of all of the swelling on my face, but the pain was far from my mind. I was kissing Eric Langdon, and it was more than I ever hoped it would be. My hands went to each side of his face as I tried to pull him closer. I couldn’t get enough of him. I pressed my half-naked body into the rock-hard muscles underneath his clothes, imagining what he looked like when all those layers were peeled away.
His hands were on my lower back, instinctively pulling me against the part of him that longed for me the most. I pushed back against him, eager for some friction. All too soon, he pulled away.
“Doc, we have to stop. If you keep kissing me like that, I’m
going to take you right now, and that just isn’t right. I have never been so turned on in my life, but I will hate myself if I take you now for my own benefit. Let me do this the right way, and I promise it will be soon, and it will be good.”
As sweet as that sounded, it didn’t help the hunger I was feeling for him right then. I didn’t care about being courted and romanced. No man had ever done that for me before anyway. I wanted to be taken. To be held and touched like I was the sexiest woman he had ever met.
“Whatever you want, Eric. I guess we are done here. Just leave me, and I will get myself dressed. I’ll be fine.” I knew I sounded like a spoiled child, but I was feeling frustrated and lonely.
“Doc, don’t be mad. I promise you it is better to wait. You’ll see.”
“Whatever you say. Right now, I just want you to go. Leave me with just a tiny thread of dignity.”
“Okay, but you call me if you need anything. I’m sorry.”
“Goodbye, Eric.”
There was a sadness in his eyes as he put his hat on and walked out of my bedroom. I hobbled back to my bed and started to get dressed. Then I called Jenna and asked her to pick me up on her way to work. She was not pleased, but she knew as well as I did that the town couldn’t be without its only doctor for days at a time.
When I hopped to my bedroom door, I noticed that Eric had placed my crutches right outside, making it easier for me to get around the house. I attempted to fix my hair and cover up my mess of a face with some makeup, but I knew I still looked like hell.
Chapter 5
The front door opened 15 minutes later, and Jenna helped me get my bags together and get into her SUV. She looked worried and annoyed that I was out of the house, but she must have noticed that I looked pissed, so she let it go.
Jenna pulled up out in front of Mick’s and ran in to grab us some coffee and muffins. Apparently, she didn’t have to pay. They were all so worried about me that she had to beg them not to swarm the car. I was so grateful she kept them at bay. I was not in the mood for that after the situation with Eric.